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I thought you were a loving God....

Whew. How many times have we had that thought? I mean, honestly .  It's late. Way too late. Greg has already woken up twice and told me I should be sleeping. My heart weighs heavy tonight thinking of all of the parents who have unexpectedly lost their babies. The school year is winding down, summer plans are just on the horizon, and now so many lives have been changed forever. There are vacations looked forward to that will never be taken, clothes hanging in closets that will never be worn, memories that will never be's all too much for me to process. Our first reaction in these situations is to say, "Pray!" Pray for these families, pray for peace, pray for our world. It's all over my newsfeeds. And that's good...sometimes that is all we can do and the best we can do. It's what I'm doing. But I understand the temptation for some to pause for a moment in the midst of it and say, "But wait, hold on a minute. Why am I praying to the God who...

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